Business openings

Activity permits for commercial establishments

It is the necessary procedure to obtain the license or permit to open a business in a local, office or industrial establishment. It is about writing the graphic and written documentation complying with the current regulations. According to the economic activity we have:
Safe or ungraded activities

They are those businesses such as offices, shops, hairdressers, small shops, …

Classified Activities

It is about those businesses in which noise, vibrations or the emission of bad smells or harmful substances are going to be produced. Also included in this group are those activities that have more than 100 m2 of surface

Public Activities Concurrency

Restaurants, coffee shops, …

Contact us

Logo Anatael Alayon Arquitecto

This Architecture studio directed by the Architect Anatael Alayón member of the College of Architects of the Canary Islands


Avda. Lucio Díaz Flores Feo, 22 Edificio Las Tapias Oficina 3. Las Chafiras. San Miguel de Abona CP 38639. Tenerife, Spain

Open hours

Monday - Friday
9 am - 2 pm
5 pm - 8 pm



